Qingdao Hengtong X-Silver Speciality Textile
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  Qingdao Hengtong X-Silver Speciality Textile Co., Ltd, loacted in the beautifual seaside city of Qingdao, is a professional manufacturer to produce electrically conductive, antistatic, antibacterial,EMF shielding and radiation protection, medical and healthcare silver metallized nylon 6 fibers,yarns and fabrics.
      Silver metallized textile fibers provide the many unique characteristics and functions due to the silver layer permanently bond to the surface of fibers. Through its advanced and innovative patented technologies, the company has developed a unique silver coated nylon 6 fiber with excellent properties, which can be used in civil, military and industrial applications with its multiple perfomances.

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Tel:0532-87651000  Fax:0532-87622891 E-mail:bluebr@163.com   Post:266100
Company address:青岛市李沧区书院路268号
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