Chinese ENGLISH  
  Shanghai ancient Sichuan Clothing Co., Ltd.
    YKK于1934年创业,至今已有70年历史,是全世界目前最大的拉链生产制造商。在全球47个国家设立工厂,办事处,销售部及代理商200 多个,分布全球五大洲。目前按照世界范围的事业分区划分为中美、南美、EMEA(涵盖东南地区,南亚地区,大洋州地区)以及日本六大地域。员工人数已超过34600多人;其中日本本部17757人,海外约有16846人。YKK全体员工正全力以赴在这些域针对各自的特点,开展全球化的生产,销售和服务。
    YKK in 1934, has been 70 years of history, is the world's largest zipper manufacturer. 47 countries in the world to set up factories, offices, sales offices and more than 200 agents, the distribution of the world's five continents. At present, according to the world wide division of division for the United States, South America, EMEA (covering the southeast, South Asia, the Pacific region) as well as Japan's six major regions. The number of employees has more than 34600 people; of which 17757 people in Japan, about 16846 overseas. YKK all employees are going all out in these domains for their respective characteristics, to carry out global production, sales and services.
    Shanghai ancient Sichuan apparel (zipper) Co., Ltd. is a professional supplier of YKK zipper, professional sales agent Shanghai YKK, Dalian YKK, Shenzhen YKK, Taiwan YKK, Hongkong YKK and the original YKK. Mainly for export to Europe, the United States, Japan and other countries of clothing, bags, bedding. Are some foreign representative offices, the domestic large-scale import and export company, the clothing factory designated as the auxiliary material supplier. The quality of the zipper, for many customers to improve the product's market competitiveness, provide a satisfactory guarantee.

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Tel:021-68910936  Fax:021-68910629   Post:200000
Company address:上海市浦东新区东方路985号一百杉杉大厦23楼B室
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