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信息主题:绣花衬 [供应]
有 效 期:一周
    通过化学浸渍或气流成网生产,主要有再生棉绣花衬,涤纶/粘胶绣花衬,纯粘胶绣花衬,及PVA水溶无纺布绣花衬和PVA冷水溶膜等几大种类。绣花衬一般克重:20-100 g/㎡,门幅:36、440、44、60″等。水溶无纺布有40、60、70、80、90℃水溶温度的水溶无纺布,克重一般:30、35、40 g/㎡,门幅:1.2~2.0M,以62或63″为主。冷水溶膜有厚度为:0.25、0.3、0.35、0.4、0.45、0.5MM等多种,门幅主要有:80、100、160CM三种。以上主要用于电脑机绣等行业。
    There are mainly recycle cotton embroidery, PET/viscose embroidery, pure viscose embroidery, PVA water soluble non-woven which are manufactured through chemical bonding and air-laid web process, PVA cold water soluble film and so on. Embroidery backing: weight: 20gsm-100gsm, width: 36″,40″,44″,60″and so on. Water soluble non-woven mainly solubilizes in the water at the temperature of 40℃,60℃,70℃,80℃,90℃ and it’s weight:30gsm,35gsm,40gsm, width:120cm-200cm(mainly 62″ or 63″). The thickness of cold water soluble film is 0.25mm,0.3mm,0.35mm,0.4mm,0.45mm,0.5mm etc, and it’s width: 80cm,100cm,160cm. All of these products are mainly used for computer embroidery industry.
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